
le meur moment de la weekend et quand on as ganger 2e place dans le touniot de hockey dans fago on as pres que ganger mais dans la derner moment le outer team de fago as fait dener bout dans la derner minute de la jeu. mas le hotel etait tress bon.

sci nat

Dans sic nat on as fait des pont ou en anglais les bridgs. je suis en un groupe avec graham et daniel. le nom de notre pont etati stalin’s pride. Notre pont pe suporte 11 foit sont surscharge. Ausie on das sci nat on as fait les chouqs appupux les invetion et les centre de gavite.


Dans la musique je apris becaupe de chose comant jouer la Ukulélé. mme tesh a engine des cordes de la Ukulélé et les notes de la ukulélé. Avec sa infomation on as aprendre et jouer le chsion mc fresions revenge. auseie on as joure des Drumes qui vien de L’affirque .on a apris comman les drums etias constuie et les les clures autrur de le des durmes qui sappele Djembe il vien de L’affirique de l’ouest.

malcolm seigmiller 2017 march 9

the political compass

the political compass was during the start of the year when mr took us us to the computer and sent us to a site hosted and run by the CBC to help us find what political  party we a line with. my views were closes to the conservative party of Canada and the liberal party of Canada it said that me and the green party shared almost none of the same views . Unfortunately i no image to show you because the screenshots i took from the site got lost in the mail because i miss spelt my student email address and it did no arrive.

question of the day.

the question of the day is when mr. wrights a question  on the broad and we answer the question on a peace of paper in french .most of the time it about what we did on the weekend of what were about to do on the weekend along with another question like what news story we are following of something along those lines .

french speech

i learned a lot form my speech one of is that google translate + bon patron dose not = french. it only give you more problems . like an overly complicated speech. never the lees my french skills increased because my french vocabulary got bigger and my pronunciation of french words got better.i all so learned a lot opon researching  my topic gun control , like this statistic in virginia gun ownership went up 76 percent and violent crime went down 24 percent. all’n’all my french speech was very un professional and i am not happy with it and next time i will do batter .